Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kindness to ALL, and to ALL a good night...

                                                                      The path to Kindness


Just for today....................I will bring kindness and cheerfulness where I go,  I will remember that everyone in front of me is fighting a great battle.  I will remember to be kind to everything in my presence, including structural, mechanical objects, animal and human beings, and I will allow this peace to enter into every pore of my body.  I will imagine a light shining forth from my heart.  Today I am the sun and I will bring warmth and gentleness to my surroundings.  I will not forget to show enthusiasm for everything, saying YES and THANK YOU to all.  I will be interested in others and my world and I will attempt to stay awake to the energies around me.  If I encounter sadness or anger I will silently bless the person in front of me by repeating within myself. "We are loved, We are safe. We are held in the heart of the God, Goddess, Great Spirit."  We will repeat this whenever we need to.

"We are loved, 

We are safe. 
We are held in the heart of the God, 


and the Great Spirit."

Off stage cues: Bless you, bless you , bless you.  

1 comment:

Jason said...

Thanks Misty! Words of wisdom!... Nice picture too! Did you take that one?