Saturday, October 26, 2013


Did you all enjoy the full moon last Friday?   The lunar display, the fields of rolled-in pumpkins and the cascade of holidays to follow, put us all in mind of this seasonal shift.  Apples are harvested, made into cider and the sunflowers, long in the summer light create shadow along their rows.

There can be a satisfaction and pleasure in this reaping and gathering.

We are not yet into the time of bears, and hibernation.  Instead, we dance by the cave entrance making silhouettes behind the bonfire, moving to the sounds made when wood and stone are beat together forming the music of the celebration.  

Some of the earliest images we have found, set down by humans are cave markings, and many depict this festival of ritual accomplishment and pleasure.  

A moment of acknowledging  our survival  for yet another year.  We have outwitted the predators of summer.  We have provided food for the winter and we have the companionship of the tribe.

The metaphors are in abundance.  The dances are as varied as the cultures and people who wiggle and move to the inner and outer sounds. Look around you and take them in. If we do this, we can see the beginnings of theater and many art forms.  

We have a need to ACT, then we have a need to REST, then we have a need to CELEBRATE, and then to SHARE these moments with our clan.

Allow your eyes to wash again over these images and take a moment to reflect on your accomplishments of the year.  And friend, make this list without criticism of what you did not do.  That is for the spring.  Now we are watching the sparkle of a live fire and the rising bits of ember.  As our hands encircle our bowls of food and drink, we also swallow the images of the celebrations.  It, as well as the food, will carry us through the darkness to come.

Once a year, I ask anyone who enjoys this site to hit SHARE so it will go on your FB wall or share it with one other person.  Ask one person to join us by the fire of community.  Thank you for that.  Misty

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