Friday, February 28, 2014


I came across this after writing last week on reflections and thought I would add to the thoughts of last week by passing this on right from David Whyte's website.  For more of his work, the link should take you to his page…  I woke early to the rain and wind, making me remember how big the world is.  Happy Friday!             Misty


…Looking into the waters
of that flooding plain
there was a sense 
that I made some symmetry
with the waiting world
just by seeing and hearing
and that I walked a frontier
between an inward heaven
and the great blue calling,
bird filled, breathing
we call a sky,
and that I stood at the edge
where two worlds
extended both far away
and close within,
so that I raised my palms
against the light
to see that they were real
and could hold the world
between my careful palms,
one horizon between two cradling skies,
looking inward and outward,
and astonished by the great everywhere
both within and without
like an invisible
unspoken invitation
radiating from where I stood,
I saw everything given
and everything taken from me,
I saw the way I had come
and the way I had promised to go,
all in one movement
as something I had become now
and would be forever,
the sheer generosity of being loved
through loving:
the miracle reflection of a twice blessed life.

© David Whyte: Excerpted from CROSSING THE FLOOD
February 2014

PHOTO © David Whyte 2014:
Flooded Port Meadow: Oxford; England.

David Whyte Many Rivers Home

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