Sunday, May 11, 2014


I  have recently been grieving the loss of two close friends.  One I have known for 48 years and the other for under 20.

Both were somewhat sudden, the loss slicing into me like sharp knives.  The initial numbness leading to that stinging high pitched note of pain.  Each of these people held very different locations in my time, my history and I in theirs. I am struck by the stark differences in those places.

How could there be such separate and disparate zones within me that could each house whole acres of relationship unknown to the other?  We are rich with love. We are rich with our inner diversity.  We have space to entertain tribes and clans of folk in our inner world.  Each deep connection to another human nurtures and mothers our core, our direction, our compassion, and our outlook. Each, like our mothers, take  us on enormous and important excursions.

We have the ability to travel to those delicious sidings and stopovers and challenging treks.  These are vast undiscovered countries whose passports we are only given in specific and particular relationships.  These are places we could not visit without that other person by our elbow or within our minds and hearts.

Find those people.  Cherish those people.  Celebrate the continents that you are allowed to visit in the realm of your friendship.

Hold the images close to your sensibility and relish the sweetness of the journey.

It is all passing.  I like to think that when I reach end, that my human passport will be filled with a myriad of stamps and visas from long lists of sweet friendship.

Blessings and peace to you on this Mother's Day, 2014.  Misty

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