Thursday, May 29, 2014


Please enjoy the following pieces of sculpture, mostly of the 18th century.  Amazing work with the substance of granite.  These days might only know see this great stone on kitchen counters, cut into slabs and shined to a high polish.  These artists allowed themselves to be challenged by a medium in which there is no addition, only subtraction.

                                       Giovanni Strazza, Nineteenth Century

We might imagine, we might play with the idea that our lives can be looked at as medium.  The mass, the material with which we are allowed to create.

                                                      If we take away just enough,
                                                   Being careful...
                                          Seeing deeply beneath the surface of things...
                 We might escape the layers of mess and mire to see the beauty beneath.

This is a monument to the father of Prince Raimondo Sangro Antonio 1685-1787.  It is called Freedom of the Spell c. 1787 by Franschesko Kvirolo

These last two by Lorenzo Bernini, depicting the abduction of Persephone.

Can you not almost feel the skin, hear their breath or breathless energy?

How will this inspire you today?

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