Tuesday, July 7, 2015



Life is....
   Not symmetrical...
Not all one color...

                                                      Undefined shapes....


Flush with movement...

Goes where it wants to go....
Surprises us with what it grows...


Leaves amazing footprints.


 Look long and deeply at the world today!

Blessings, Misty   July 11, 2015

Saturday, July 4, 2015


Someone always seems  to be posting about how we should place ourselves with people that make us feel better.  I get it.  It is good to feel validated and seen and understood.  We seem to all seek that with every breath.  But as I was taking a slow walk along the ocean bluff recently, I thought more about that and somehow it didn’t sit so well with me.

When we are so caught up in our own well being we might just be risking not developing that emotional muscle called compassion.  If I only want to be around happy people, or if I only want to be with people that agree with me, who do I become?  How can I learn compassion for others that share this life journey.

On this 4th of July morning I am thinking about the phrase “E Pluribus Unum” which translates to  Out of the many, one”.  There is the acknowledgement of differences making up a greater whole.   If we keep working at making our lives one-noted with only those who support us, how will we learn about differences, how will we address wrongs, how will we make contact with the OTHER SIDE OF THE ARGUMENT?  How do we make peace with a world that we have banished behind the walls we are drawing around ourselves.  Doesn’t it smack of elitism to just push away anything we don’t approve of, or like?
I worry about how polarized our culture has become.  I worry that we are losing the ability to entertain any ideas except the ones we have.  This country was built by a group of people who came from vastly different cultural, educational and financial experiences.  The difference was they were willing to argue and battle with one another over the ideas that centered around this idea of the MANY becoming ONE.

On this day of independence, my hope is that we can be free.  Free in our thoughts and biases, free of our opinions and take the day off from feeling so darned right and righteous.  Maybe it is a day to just LISTEN.  We don’t’ have to agree, but maybe just restrain ourselves from forming that smug reply that is forming as we listen to those with whom we disagree.

Take the day off.  Be free from insular ways, and let the many fill you up before you decided today who is the ONE that is you.

Happy 4thof July  2015

Misty  Wycoff