Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Crossing the Sea,  Threshold Imagery

Hello out there!

Welcome to my new blog.   This will be a multimedia site, with pictures, poetry, prose from me, that I will try and post weekly, and perhaps some things that I find in my files that might have a second or third life as a post.  Anything goes.   You are welcome to comment and I will be posting a portion of these.

Whether your movement is about recovery, personal growth, grief, marriage, retirement, change in physical and health status, or moving to a new place, I offer imagery to feed the soul and calm  and focus the brain.  This can also be a place to entice the creative impulses...writing, painting, cooking, gardening, photography etc. The artist within loves other creative energies.  Perhaps a permission, or maybe just an invitation.

Our psyche, soul, and mind does understand metaphor, and translates without dictionary, meaning and relatedness to whatever we expose it to.  Allow yourself to sit with the imagery, whether it be a thought, a written image or photo.    The dreamer within, loves another poem, another mystery, another dance.  So we begin……to move, to write, to dance, maybe crosssing over the sea, maybe beneath it.  

Let our beginning word be reverence.... and let us be reverent in our own task of orienting to our true path.  When in this state, we move slower, we tend more to the details of things and we breathe deeply, taking it all in.  What do you do when in a garden, on a beach or watching the night sky?  We find a stillness within that resonates to the outer world.  We retune the mechanism of our being to match how we value the place that we find ourselves.  Today, allow the idea of observation to take the lead.  

Offstage cues:  Stop...Slow...Watch...Enter...Relax...........Value. 

1 comment:

Ron said...

I love the blog. The writing is creative, authentic and insightful. My guess is that over time you will be doing a lot of on line work with folks of like mind.

Your writing continues to grow and deepen.
