Thursday, April 12, 2012

Morning Images in Rain

I slept to the sound of rain coming down, heavily at times.  What a great comfort to hear.  I was transported in my thoughts to the African plains, watching the rains come in at distance.  The following poem emerged with my tea.  Photo site noted below.



When I first hear the rain coming
my animal skin shivers in delight,
my heart looks for a wide trunked oak
to shelter me.

I am taken to the plains
watching big animals
staring into the mist
beneath such a tree.

There is something settling inside of us,
like the drops falling on sand,
quietly pulling us
into this moment.

Can we too, like the rain,
be drawn into the center,
the deeper rivers that flow beneath,
the ones we call home?

B. Misty Wycoff
April 12, 2012


Lion in rain

This young male was oblivious to the rain which was pelting down

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