Thursday, December 13, 2012

Deep Deep Winter's Breath....Aaah!

Winter Wonderland Photo

Winter 2012

Can we just breathe?
Take in the same air that holds the geese overhead,
Or circles the Rock,
Or makes the horizon all those miles out to sea?

Can we take it deep within us
And see also that a drop of this bay water,
Has touched the shores of India
And South Africa and Scotland?

Do we know this, and can we hold it?
Wasn’t it yesterday I chanted by the Guru’s feet to the rising sun?
And later hiked to Inverness and ate Loch Salmon.
I can almost remember.

I did dream of wild dancing with my  tribe while the dingos bayed at the moon,
And when I awoke
I knew what came with the breath.

Every breath brings a moment of equilibrium,
Lilting Soltice passages where we can hold it all.
Like yoga poses when our feet do find the root to core earth
And we know we can stand like trees for decades.

These are portals where it is all possible.
This is where all is held in balance.
Infinity doors, thresholds
And there is magic.
We can do anything.

So tonight go deep,
Breathe into that flannel pillow,
Go everywhere…… dream.

B. Misty Wycoff
Los Osos, California

A meteor streaks past stars in the night sky over Stonehenge in Salisbury Plain, southern England August 12, 2010. The Perseid meteor shower is sparked every August when the Earth passes through a stream of space debris left by comet Swift-Tuttle. Picture taken using a long exposure. © REUTERS/Kieran Doherty

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