Saturday, May 18, 2013


It was a good day for rabbits.  Cottontails to be exact.  This morning as I walked along the bluff walk near my house, I was overlooking the ocean, watching the tidepools and the breaking surf away from the cliff, and the trail ahead of me.  Usually the sea is empty of boats, but this cool morning I could count 17 small vessels out there, probably saturday fisherman.

But the big count of the day was for the rabbits.

This is my hour long walk on most mornings.  I enjoy counting the wildlife that I see.  There are sometimes coyotes, or more often their scat, a rattlesnake or two, and birds.  Birds of the bush, the sea and I suppose of the hand if we are being metaphorical.   But, today was the day of the rabbit.  I started out with seven, and I had hardly gotten feet on the trail, but then none for a long while.

I had time to watch the horizon, the distant fog and the graveled sound of tidal waters pushing into the coves and inlets below me.

I got to thinking about expectations.  Some mornings, I NEED to see animals, I HOPE to see animals, I WANT to see animals, and there is no real pattern to their appearances.  I think I know where the nests are.  

I think I know where I am likely to see them, but each day of the last, oh twenty or so, they have surprised me.  They are NOT where I expect them, nor are their numbers even mildly predictable.

We like to use science.  We like to use patterns to predict things.  It adds to the illusion of having control over our world.   I am not saying those things are not of value and important.  But I am saying this:   Mostly we don't know what is coming!

This can be the most disconcerting thing or the most magical.   Today as the count of bunnies kept hopping up.... (sorry couldn't help myself), I immersed myself in the wonder of it.  The final count was 38!   Thirty eight little critters let me see them.  Most just hugged the edge of the rubbled path until I was close and then disappeared into the bush.  But I have to admit that my favorites were the ones that seemed to fly across the path up ahead.  Their big bounce that sent them sailing laterally before me, was like a slo mo section of a movie.  A slight arc of fur, ears layed back for more lift and poof.......gone.  Epiphanies of rabbit!! Delightful,  and yes, totally unpredictable.

I was minutes from making the loop and getting back to the car, when I looked down a cleared out area and there was a pair of California quail and 12 very tiny chicks, all scurrying behind the topnotch headed mother.  Little fluff balls, rolling light, like ping pong balls, and then, blink,  they were gone too.

Mostly we don't know what is coming!

And that made it fun.

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