Monday, August 4, 2014


Recently I saw a photo of the current Pope laughing.  It struck me as somewhat unusual..  It started me on a search of photos of other religious and political leaders with a real smile on their faces.  

He recently put out a list of 10 things you could do to be HAPPY.

1)  Live and let live!

2)  Be giving of yourself to others.

3)  Proceed calmly in life.

4)  Have a healthy sense of leisure.

5)  Sundays are holidays, spend them with friends and family.

6)  Create dignified jobs for young people.

7)  Respect and take care of Nature.

8)  Stop being negative.

9)  Respect the beliefs of others.

10)  Work for peace.

The Dalai Lama is often quoted saying that the one rule of his religion is to be HAPPY...

I think it includes being silly too.

Doesn't it seem odd when you think about it that we don't look for leaders that are happy people?  This is a former mayor in Iceland, who created his own political party called the "BEST" party.  He is a stand up comedian, and can be seen laughing, getting a tattoo, being generally silly, including dressing in drag for a parade.   He swept the town off their feet with his energy and laughter and incidentally was very successful dealing with the issues of his capital city. 


“As soap is to the body, so laughter is to the soul.” – Jewish Proverb

Perhaps we should be looking for the leaders that laugh, find joy, can be silly….. doesn't that seem wise?

Blessed are those who lead with laughter.

 Happy Monday!
Misty, with a smile!
August 4th, 2014

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