The ability to refresh yourself, whether it comes with sleep, food, contemplation or play, lies in importance at the same level as the need for stimulation, activity, achievement or challenge.
When we cook meat, we know to let it rest for five or so minutes before we cut into it, thus allowing the flavor and liquids to resettle themselves among the tissues. The flavor doesn't drip onto the cutting board and we are allowed to savor it, deeply enjoying
So remember to let the juices of the day...resettle and find their right places within you.
David Whyte has said "To rest is to become present in a different way than through action, and especially to give up on the will as the prime motivator of endeavor, with its endless outward need to reward itself through established goals." Isn't that lovely? Allowing something other than achievement to be the carrot and the stick that moves us along. I remember someone telling me once about an artist that had applied for a sabbatical saying that what he wanted to do with his time was "to indulge in creative indolence...." and he got the grant!
I love looking up words and seeing the broad and archaic definitions. It is a way to deepen our understanding of our language. You can see on the left that the word Restoration includes the idea of "giving back". So here is an idea. To fill yourself up, give something away.
Here is a prayer for you:
Let me be someone's blessing today.
Let me be someone's blessing today.
Let me be someone's blessing today.
Thank you!
We need to remember to occasionally remove all the STUFF, the stimulation, clutter, lists, agendas, activities, behaviors, still, watch or close your eyes, but think about LESS than you were thinking about 5 minutes ago. Find SILENCE.
Feed your little hearts and then sleep!
Blessings to you all on this last Sunday in September, hugs,
B. Misty 27 -September-14