We often think of talking to ourselves as form of insanity. I am thinking that we don't really do enough of it...that is to say, CONSCIOUSLY. Yes, we are in there with the mind ALL THE TIME, but most of us are ducking and swinging at the voice, either trying to get it to shut up or shrinking away from the shame, judgement, abuse that we are unconsciously leveling at ourselves.
People often think that therapy, is about making changes, or solving problems. I would say it has more to do with making our inner voices conscious. It is in consciousness that we have choice. Carl Jung said "Enlightenment is not about imagining figures of light, but about making the darkness conscious." I have long loved that quote. What wisdom therein!
So this path we are on, is more about seeing than changing. I found this video that a young boy made in anticipation of sharing it with his older self. The "older self" found it and made it into a dialog. I think you will enjoy it.
Has 32-Year-Old Man Conversation with 12-Year-Old Self - Mandatory
So here's the thought for the day: Listen and speak to your inner self. There may be more wisdom there than you imagine.
And when you find that the words you hear inside of yourself are judging, unkind, shaming, speak with love and gentleness to yourself, as you would to a frightened abused child.
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