Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Toxic Soup

Remember you can reach me through my website at       bmistywycoff.com

                                Sometimes we draw energy to us, like the Bay Bridge in storm.  

We radiate a kind of acceptance to energies that we grew up with.  Sometimes we find ourselves feeling badly around people who apparently are our friends.  They have qualities that seem familiar.   We do need to remember that the word familiar, comes from the word family, and that those energies may hide some behaviors that are toxic to us.  Like a kind of toxic soup that we keep ladling into ourselves, thinking that it is good for us.

Do you have people in your life who:

           Cannot apologize when they have hurt you?

Justify their behavior and say things like:  "I cannot live my life taking care of your feelings?"

            Blame you for their foul moods and bad behavior?

Cannot speak up when their feelings get hurt and then act passive aggressively?
            Dictate how you should be in the world?

Store up negative emotion and then dump it on you in unsuspecting moment?

             Use your differences to make you wrong?

Call names, shame and embarrass you?

            Tell you this is the way that "everyone" does this?

All of the above describe dysfunctional, abusive relationship qualities.  Now most of us have managed to weed out the worst of these offenders as we grow up and become more conscious of ourselves.   It is often hard to see these characteristics in those relationships that often offer other nice qualities.  The question you have to ask yourself is this:   "How much am I willing to pay for those moments of goodness?"   

Sometimes we are drinking "Toxic Soup".  Just for today, focus only on those people that bring you joy and energy that is friendly to your being.  No need for judgement or criticism or even confrontation, just move back a little.  Notice how that feels.  Sometimes this action can bring up feelings of fear.  Just for today, notice them, acknowledge them, and recognize that these feelings are survivable, and relax.

Again, move your focus towards more loving energy.  

Relax,  Breathe,  Sip something else!

Website address:    bmistywycoff.com

and this blog address is:  crossingoverthesea.blogspot.com

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