Saturday, October 11, 2014


I recently heard a lecture on oceans.  I came across a word that I had not heard before:  UPWELLING.  It refers to wind and temperature conditions that cause the cold water at the bottom of the ocean to rise to the surface.  Those Nevada folks have heard of Pyramind Lake “turning over” allowing the green algae to rise to the top.  This is the same process.

Upwelling is a process in which deep, cold water rises toward the surface
Winds blowing across the ocean surface push water away. Water then rises up from beneath the surface to replace the water that was pushed away. This process is known as “upwelling.”
Upwelling occurs in the open ocean and along coastlines. The reverse process, called “downwelling,” also occurs when wind causes surface water to build up along a coastline and the surface water eventually sinks toward the bottom.
Water that rises to the surface as a result of upwelling is typically colder and is rich in nutrients. These nutrients “fertilize” surface waters, meaning that these surface waters often have high biological productivity.  Therefore, good fishing grounds typically are found where upwelling is common.  

The more I thought about this as the day was passing, I sort of fell in love with the idea of a human UPWELLING.  A regular turning things over.  An annual ( bi-monthly, weekly, daily) shift of our inner selves.

I think we humans tend to put things away within ourselves in an orderly manner.  We have made decisions along the paths of our lives as to what is important.  I don’t think we often get down under the top of the stack. 

My idea is that, like the ocean or other large bodies of water, our surface waters become depleted from overuse.   Our ideas, resources become become diluted and weak.   What happens in an UPWELLING is that everything gets upended and the rich waters from deep in the belly of the water are allowed to become a part of the daily fare.

Certain seagoing mammals travel the upwelling along the Western coast of the USA and Canada to reap the tasty rewards that the waters are tossing  up to the surface..

How might we find these deep sources of nurturance and sustenance?   Can you make of list of ways you might access these places within yourself?

Might the list include:


Travel/Change of Scenery?

Observation of the Natural World?

Where is your UPWELLING?
How do you turn your deep water upside down?

Here's to the feast within!  Erase the board and let something else surface in you!

                           Blessings,   Misty

                                                                 Saturday October 11, 2014

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