Thursday, December 18, 2014


                  Solstice Trees –  2014 – Midwinter Watch 

     There is a Cherokee story about why there are evergreens.  

It goes like this:               When the Great Spirit was creating all of 
the trees and plants, there was a desire to give a gift to each of them 
but couldn’t decide which present was appropriate for each tree, so 
he had a contest  to find out.  He told all the young trees that he wanted them to keep watch over the earth for seven days and seven nights.   The trees were very excited to be given such an important task and for the 
first night they had no difficulty in staying awake.  But on the second 
night it was harder, and some of them fell asleep.  Each night thereafter another type of tree fell into a deep slumber, the oaks and elms and fruit orchards, and the nut trees, and then chestnut and eucalyptus slept as well.   On the seventh night only a few were still awake.  When the Great Spirit came among them he saw  the pine, the cedar, the spruce, the fir, 
the holly and the laurel awake and waiting, awake and watching, awake.  “What great endurance you have!   The cedar tree spoke for them and 
said, “It gets easier as you get older, we have had much time to practice.
” To you I shall give the gift of remaining green forever.  You shall 
guard the forest, even in the dead of Winter and on the night of 
Midwinter Solstice, when all of your brothers and sisters are sleeping.”  

Ever since that time, all the other trees lose their leaves in Winter and sleep until Spring; 

but the evergreen trees are always awake, and always watching.  It makes them happy.

When was the last time you sat with an evergreen and felt that joy,  that sentinel energy?  that sense of being held in the dark night by the wispy rain laden branches.

                                             Is it time for a walk in the woods? 

Blessings on your Holiday week, however you have it.  Hugs all around.

                                                                 Misty   18 December 2014



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