Saturday, December 20, 2014



We forget you are out there,

all snug in  our beds,
we, who sleep so long in winter.
  We do know you,
But we forget you are there
  always watching,
deep in the forests,
guarding cloven marked trails ,
bramble houses of hare
and trickster son.
not forgetting.

We don’t always hear
the snow crack,
the branch fall, 
nor do we harken
to the tiniest bird wing,
or see the whitetail lift her foreleg
angled and then still
waiting for the light

The Mother orb is tilting tonight,
And there is a brightness at her edges and we can hear
that far sun calling out
“I’m coming.”
Like a boy trudging home from the wood,
he knows.
we know,
if we can just remember.

Thank you, O Tannenbaum
   for watching.

Blessings and Hugs
B. Misty Wycoff       Los Osos, California 12/18/14

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