Friday, September 20, 2013


Autumnal Equinox is a moment of balance in our universe. It is the moment when the sun appears to cross the celestial equator, heading southward.  This year it will occur on Sunday September 22nd at 20:44 GMT. 

There are many festivals in our world to note, celebrate or contemplate this astral event.  There are feasts of harvests, trumpets, booths and fruit.  In the Feast of Tabernacles which is also known as the Feast of the Ingathering, there is a spiritual component as well as a seasonally based celebration.

It is a time of year when the temperature drops. The deciduous trees are losing leaves and we are bringing in the fruits of our summer crops.  It is a time of both gathering in and letting go.  The metaphor reaches me in a mindful way.

There is a calming sense to this time of year for me.  The busyness of the summer months, the long days the warmth slip into another consciousness. The first thing I want to do is to put up the fruits of my year.  And like a turn of the century prairie wife, I want to enjoy the sight of the jars of variety and color that I have contained.  The word satisfaction is present for me, or is it completion? We seem to be so often seeking and I am not sure there is enough resting, enjoying, savoring what we have taken in, what our endeavors have brought to us, and how we have processed them. This is what we can do now.  We can sit for a time with our our events and allow the full measure each experience to be with us.

The second part is held in the imagery of the annual separation of leaf from tree.  This is not the act of a buzz saw, but simply the release to fall.  Does a tree mourn?  Or does it see itself in another incarnation, the spare garment of winter? We enter a time when we need not the fluttery dress of leafy boughs. Our energy is needed deep within us.  Feel your emotional and spiritual roots digging into the earth, grounding, pushing through stone and seeking the aquifers within. 

It is a time to begin feeding from the deep water.  Still yourself and drink deeply, and rest.

HBD to me!  Blessings to all.   Misty

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