Saturday, September 7, 2013


The word education comes from root words that mean “to draw out”.  So when we are educated, we are “drawn out, or drawn into something, an idea, a perspective, a vision, or imagery.

There is an old Gypsy saying about genius being the angels we were born with.  The phrase has stayed with me for a few days.  The idea of genius has always been a bit scary or distant.  Something associated with Einstein or some other math genius or the rare person with eidetic memory.

I have written previously about how a watermelon seed cannot become a cucumber. And how it is important to find or maybe allow our own seed to develop, to live the life that perhaps we are here to live.

This is a similar thread.  I like that it weaves into my consciousness.  I follow this bright string deep into the place that I live. Whether or not you believe in the ephemeral, spiritual, religious, science fiction, or non-linear concepts of energies, ancestors, spirits, totem animals or angels, there is something about the imagery itself that informs me.. one that elicits something from me, educates me.  

Genius is finding the angels you were born with and giving them voice.  Giving them space. Caring for and welcoming them into your consciousness.  Maybe it is simply listening more deeply to yourself, and then letting those images rise and come forward.

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